
In one hour

the inlaws will be here. T is much calmer than usual when they visit. Has he been into my Xanax? The house is in pretty good shape considering it's been almost 2 weeks since the housekeeper was in. The back yard looks really good if you squint and do NOT look in between the shrubs -- weeds on attack big time.

Product endorsement of the day: Crest Vivid White toothpaste. Works like a charm. I've got my trays and bleach from the dentist which ran me about $500 and this seems to work just as good. Whitest teeth T has came across in....well..it better damn be 15 years! ;-)

Cologne of the day: Romeo Gigli wins again. It's a lot warmer than yesterday but it still feels like Fall.

Time to grab some iced tea and toss back an extra Xany for good measure.

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