When I arrived that Saturday morning I was greeted with a knowing smile from the receptionist (who I now realize is nothing but a matchmaking little minx) and S standing there with a glass of fresh juice for me. "Come on back, honey" she beckoned - and I did. When I was seated in the strange chair she proceeded to give me something I hadn't had in years - a genuine consultation. M had stopped asking me about my wants and needs a long time ago so this was a nice change. All M and I ever talked about anymore was her kids, her husband (ass hole), my school and work. We were in that old married couple phase of our client/stylist relationship. So when S showered me with attention and then spent a good hour on my hair working magic with her razor, I was hooked. Better yet, when she was done I had a fucking great haircut and not one one of those that you grow into - it was perfect as soon as she was finished.
Then, after I paid my bill (which included the same discount M always gave me) and handed her a tip it happened - we hugged. At that moment we both new this hair affair was on. Fast forward a few weeks and I called to make my next appointment. Now I knew M didn't work on Saturdays but I wasn't ready to tip my hat just yet so I asked for a weekend appointment anyway. Miss Minx, the receptionist, played along with my game perfectly. It was a classic case of DADT: she didn't ask me why after all these years I didn't know M never worked on Saturday and I didn't tell. "S is available, would you like her?" Of course I did. This was how we did it every time - I would call to make an appointment with M and she wouldn't be working --- but S was --- and so it went. Each time I walked away with a perfect out-the-door cut and compliments from all my friends.
It got to the point that S and I even talked about M - in a good way. "Tell her hello for me and that I hate my schedule doesn't let me come in on weekdays anymore...How is M doing? I haven't seen her in ages?....Oh, M got a new dog....M's daughter is on honor roll..." Then came the day I let S do my highlights. This was a HUGE step because anyone who gets highlights know the level of trust that has to exist between stylist/client - and we had it. Again, perfect cut and perfect highlights. Hell, I wasn't even feeling bad at this point because my hair looked great and we both new it. M was officially out of the picture. We had passed the point of "sneaking around" and were in a full-blown relationship.

Dammit, I hate this. I realize every relationship has it's off days just like every hair stylist has their off days, but I thought this was different. It is the same cut and precisely even ( yeah I checked) but it is so fucking short. When I left it wasn't the same; I put on a fake smile and gave her the obligatory hug after the tip but this time the cheater feels cheated. I don't think I like this feeling --- cheating isn't all it's cracked up to be.