To rehash the past 8 hours it has been a constant flurry of brand new "he said...she said" phone calls and emails. The bottom line is that #2 PP (Paycheck Provider) refuses to take any responsibility for their actions & comments over the past 2 years. For many years and as many projects #2 PP has let a certain someone get away with anything short of murder. They can come and go as they please; shrug off their duties; abandon work with no repercussion; and basically do very little and be paid very well. #2 PP lets this happen.
After #1 PP had gotten a gut full of this nonsense they contacted #2 PP and said, "enough is enough..do something", but #2 PP is obviously scared to step up to bat and confront this person (which baffles all of us!). But do they do what #1 PP asks? Hell no. They pass this lovely chore onto us lowly (but well paid) worker bees.

Mean while, back in Gotham City, myself and one other person are looking like we've deliberately and maliciously set up this whole situation for some extra cash and out of spite. Again, more bull shit.
For the record I am off work today -- I was off yesterday but I've spent every spare damn minute involved in this unfolding drama. So much for R&R! Every time we (myself and the other office Betty Broderick) try and do something to make things better it just gets worse. Well, I give up. Perhaps the real Betty Broderick was onto something. No, not killing someone but being a raving bitch and not backing down. Hell, if I'm being cast as a Betty then why not at least have the fun of actually being one? I could throw a very dramatic tantrum. I could leave vicious, screaming voice mails. I could throw things out of a window and then set them on fire. And I could also drive a vehicle through the front door of a building. In fact this is all starting to look very appealing about right now.
No, I suppose I'll have to just deal with this real life drama and hire Meredith Baxter to have all the fun playing me being crazy. Going to jail isn't an option and I really don't have it in me to be

Updates to come. In the meantime I promise not to drive any vehicles into buildings or set anything on fire. I'll just be watching it on the TV and waiting to see what happens next from the office.
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