
Symptoms of Bird Flu

Important, please read all of the following carefully:

Symptoms of Bird Flu

The Center for Disease Control has released a list of symptoms of bird flu. If you experience any of thefollowing, please seek medical treatment immediately:

1. High fever
2. Congestion
3. Nausea
4. Fatigue
5. Aching in the joints
6. An irresistible urge to shit on someone's windshield


cola boy said...

Bwahahahahaha! I almost spit soda out my nose reading that one!

Doris said...

LOL :-)

I'm glad that was a joke as there is too much hysteria around the bird flu. Just enough hysteria for the drugs companies to make loadsa dosh from all the vaccines they will be wheeling out in due course!

Reviews For Jake said...


Spider said...

Except for #6, I feel like that all the time - and would probably do #6 if I could get my ass up on the hood of someone's car...

Hikaru said...

I feel #3-6 every time I see Bloomie on television.

(Welcome back, by the way. You were missed.)

Unknown said...

stop making jokes at the homeless people in San Francisco! You know that they'd use toilet paper if the government had any left over...

purpletwinkie said...


yes said...

i just have #6. what does that mean?

Ghone said...